As a Prophet of The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, I speak what I hear from Him and I do as He shows me. A true Prophet of God sees and hears what others can't and as we go deeper in our communion, depths, levels, dimensions with and in Him according to His call on our life as a Prophet and/or Prophetic Voice, we discern immediately what others miss. We seem extreme to others, we are misunderstood and or misjudged, but a True Prophet /Prophetic Voice of God knows in their spirit what The Spirit of the Lord God is allowing us to see or hear. Even when everything appears or sounds to be okay, we immediately know when its not and we will not stop until we bring God's Truth and Will to light.
A true Prophet of God is not someone who gives a prophecy from time to time, that is the gift of prophecy operating through someone, but rather it is a person called by God to walk in the Prophetic office, Anointed by God for that specific calling. Its not man apponting us, nor self-appointed, it is a call from God. It is a call, an assignment, a duty, a privilege and an honor to carry out His will and instructions as instructed without turning from it. God's Spirit flowing, inspiring every word, every act, every look, every touch, even silence through His Prophet /Prophetic Voice. It will do great good to pay close attention to and follow God's instruction given by and through HIS TRUE PROPHET /PROPHETIC VOICE. Blessings for our Generation in the Name of CHRIST JESUS THE LORD.
PL-Faith - KingdomMinistries.tv